Hey, I am Arthi!

I’m a  Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), Relationship & Tantra Coach, Certified Yoga Dance Movement Therapist and Mindfulness Practitioner. My work blends Sacred Tantra Sexuality and Somatic Body Movements into my Psycho-Therapeutic Practice.

I’m a  Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), Relationship & Tantra Coach, Certified Yoga Dance Movement Therapist, Mindfulness Practitioner. My work blends Sacred Tantra Sexuality and Somatic Body Movements into my Psycho-Therapeutic Practice.

Arthi and Snow

An Indian / Canadian Girl on a Mission

Inspiring you to be your true self

My work blends Sacred Tantra Sexuality and Somatic Body Movements into my Psycho-Therapeutic Practice. Sexuality lives at the intersection of multiple disciplines in our lives and when combined with movement & psychotherapy it  encourages You to Express what’s been suppressed , heal from trauma and bring your body back to its true nature of existence such as love, connection, joy, confidence, pleasure, creativity and freedom.

This is how my journey began.

I filed for divorce and moved out. I thought my marriage of 6 years was over.

Our marriage consisted of screaming matches, silent treatment and curse words.

“I was dead inside. I could not really laugh. I surely could not cry. I was 55 pounds overweight. I could not feel my life.”

I went to see a couple’s therapist and had a major emotional meltdown. My whole body shook with deep tearful sobs as the pain I had buried so long beneath a mask ruptured like an earthquake from my core. I couldn’t go back to my old life, but I had no idea where else to go. I felt utterly lost. I had no idea who I was.

I missed the last change to say goodbye to my mother. She took her own life by suicide. I was only a playful little 7 year old girl who dreamed about fairies, unicorns and prince charming when suddenly life became unfair.

Every mother loves her child, isn’t that just the law of nature?

Did she not think I was worth living for? I felt abandoned, rejected and not enough. I did not have any bit of compassion; I was full of anger for lack of any better emotion.

This was when it all began to dawn on me, I had no idea how to really love a man … or how to be happy or even be grateful for all that God/universe, Life, and Love had given me.

Over the next few years, I would desperately seek to connect with my life. I did that by challenging myself to various tasks. Every challenge I completed boosted my confidence and made me feel amazing.

8,000 feet altitude 30km solo hike with my 4.5 & 2.5 year old boys. I was determined to climb the toughest mountain in the Western Ghats to challenge myself that I could withstand the divorce and live the rest of my life as a single mother.

“Sometimes you just need an adventure to cleanse the bitter taste of life from your soul”.

Somewhere between the bottom of the climb and the summit I found the answer to my marriage.

I hiked one mountain after another, did a cross country road trip and studied under many brilliant visionary teachers. So after 2 years I was finally ready to surrender my life to something other than sadness, desperation, and my own ego.

I went back to India, learned Yoga professionally in a Gurukul setting & became a Certified Yoga Teacher. The breath work & the slow, meditative movements of yoga, helped calm my body & mind giving my soul some much needed contemplation time!

Arthi yoga

I went on to completing my Masters in Counselling & Psychotherapy and now serve as a Registered Psychotherapist (Q)

I trained and coached with Tony Robbins and learned powerful Relationship Strategies to use in my own personal relationship and with the people I serve.This training allowed me to work with business leaders offering them empowering support and accountability to lead their visionary lifes creating meaningful Relationships.

Along the way my husband & I discovered the world of Tantra – the Ancient Art and Science of Human Sexuality. Tantra helped transform our marriage, our relationship with our children and the way we view the world. Not only did we resolve our differences but we fell in love again!

And, we did it by establishing new commitments and relationship habits that brought positive energy to our marriage. I am honored to live my story and add great value to thousands of people I meet in my life.

And this quickly became my Relationship Coaching practice.

Today, I live between India  &  Canada with my loving husband, 2 handsome boys and a Golden Doodle … further living my dreams by helping others discover and live theirs.

Arthi and Fam with Dog

If you want empowering support (and accountability) to overcome the challenges you face on your own journey to living your best life, explore working  with me.

As your Thriving Relationship Coach / Therapist I can help you:

Create the exquisite life and relationship you ache for (admit it, you do!).

Shift sabotaging fear-beliefs into empowering stories that fuel your dreams

Break through persistent life challenges & create a life full of passion and joy

and so much more …

Join Group Somatic Psychotherapy

Flow Meditation

Flow Meditation is a movement based expressive arts practice, which combines dance, meditation, mindfulness,, visual arts and creative writing, ancient practices & breath work to access the innate wisdom of the body and the transformative power of the imagination.

Flow Meditation Cover

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